Oaks Christian School is a co-educational, college-preparatory, non-denominational Christian school serving grades 5-12. Oaks Christian School is located on 25 acres in Westlake Village, Los Angeles County, California and employs over 325 staff and teachers and has 1400+ students. The school was established in 2000 and has gone through considerable growth over the last 20 years.
Oaks Christian School is ranked as one of the top Preparatory High Schools in the nation boasting many prestigious alumni and accomplishments.
The Research and Analytics
TSG began with their proven TekTrak analysis, first meeting with the IT department, their CFO and Administrators to identify their goals. 16 aging MFP’s and 36 printers- the printers were from 8 different brands and companies.. After analyzing 12 months worth of invoices and equipment usage the data was validated and a business case was created.
TSG Upgraded all MFPs with state-of-the-art equipment. Print management software provided students with a secure print environment and tied into their existing Heartland payment systems. A TSG On-site facilities manager was hired and HV color capabilities were installed which could handle nearly all job requests. FM services were expanded to include onsite mailroom and copy services, copier and printer fleet management, shipping and receiving, supply inventory, ordering & disbursement, as well as, first level equipment troubleshooting.
Implementation of the solution reduced OCS expenses by 13.3% a month and saved them $148,841 over 5 years. In addition, print on demand has eliminated the waste associated with pre-printed materials due to frequent changes and updates.